ENGL 2002C Week 1 Why Effective Professional Writing is an Important Skill to Have
When writing professionally, it is crucial to consider the cultural values and assumptions of your audience. Understanding what communication taboos exist and what is valued can prevent you from inadvertently offending someone or costing your company business. This applies not only to customers but also to co-workers and professionals outside of the workplace. To effectively communicate, you should identify your audience, establish your purpose, formulate your message, and select an appropriate style and tone.
Good writing creates a connection between the reader and the writer, and clarity is key. Your writing should be clear, easy to read, and easy to understand. The purpose of your writing should also be clear to the reader, and conciseness is important. Avoid adding excessive, unnecessary information that may distract from your message. Additionally, make sure that your writing reflects the appropriate tone, grammar, and language.
ENGL 2002C Week 1 Why Effective Professional Writing is an Important Skill to Have
To ensure effective communication, it is important to put yourself in the recipient’s shoes before sending an email or writing. Consider whether you would want to receive the message yourself. To illustrate this point, the statement “I want to be a better writer” is too vague. A more effective statement would be “I want to focus on how to correctly cite sources to be a more effective writer and give credit to other writers appropriately. I will use the writing center, spell check, and a thesaurus to achieve this goal.”ENGL 2002C Week 1 Why Effective Professional Writing is an Important Skill to Have.
Ethical issues can also arise in professional communication. One such issue is conveying a point without offending the audience. Additionally, individuals may be tempted to withhold crucial information, manipulate data, or use language that discriminates. Plagiarism is another common problem that arises when someone steals another person’s idea or work. To avoid these issues, make sure that you always use appropriate language, accurately represent data, and give credit where it is due.
Kolin, P. C. (2017). Successful writing at work (11th ed.). Bostin, MA. Cengage.
Nicholaou, N. (2005. Email etiquette-or-never having to say you’re sorry-Part1. Clergy Journal,