Needs assistance in writing your college essays?



College Admission Essay Structure They are not different from any other personal essay. Three structures can be used depending on the type of essay you are writing.

The first is the standard structure.


The Feelings and Needs Exercise This will help organize your thoughts, feelings, and thoughts. Challenge

1 – If you are asked to share a personal tale, what was your number one challenge? Note it. Challenge

2 – Now think of another challenge that you have faced during this time. Effects: How did these challenges impact your life?

How did the behavior of others affect you? Were you cornered? Or did the challenges help you grow?

Feelings Confused? Frustrated? Disappointed? Resilient? Try to describe what you feel inside.

Naming your emotions will help you to describe what was happening in your head right now. Needs:

What were you looking for during the story events? What was it you required? Love? Safety? Reassurance? Advice? Advice?